Sunday, July 3, 2016

Summary Version of:
Minkowski and Special Relativity:
Does His Spacetime Geometry Explain Space Contraction?

Paul A. Klevgard, Ph.D.

Full Essay HERE

Introduction:     For over a century Minkowski’s spacetime has dominated discussions of space contraction and time dilation within special relativity. Brown and Pooley have called into question both Minkowski’s assumptions and the effects his presumed spacetime has upon objects in motion. But while they reject Minkowski, Brown and Pooley do not fill in the missing causal connection between velocity and space contraction and time dilation. To supply this causal connection between object and observer in relative motion we should be focusing on energy difference rather than velocity difference. Doing this permits a new understanding of relativistic space contraction and time dilation.


                Kinetic energy in its pure form as electromagnetic radiation has the waveform. When you have kinetic energy accompanying rest mass to constitute a projectile then you also have a waveform (de Broglie waves). It is argued then that kinetic energy and de Broglie waves are closely connected; that in fact the former produces the latter. If that is the case, then projectiles of any size are a combination (union) of rest mass and waveform kinetic energy.[1]
                While kinetic energy for matter in motion has a waveform, rest mass has a field form. The term ‘field’ here is used simply as a space-volume descriptor whose characteristics (having a shape, not occurring) are derived from the existing object. A field may have a regular shape (e.g., a bocce ball) or an irregular shape (e.g., a chain of carbon atoms).
·         The projectile is a union of rest mass and kinetic energy. It is also a union of field form due to its rest mass and waveform due to its kinetic energy.
                Fields and waves differ in their utilization of space and time. Material entities with the field form extend in (occupy) space and they progress in time. Thus as living beings we extend over a space volume and we progress in time (we age). But radiation entities with the waveform (e.g., the photon) do not extend over space nor do they progress in time. Photons are stationary in time and extend there over an interval since kinetic energy always requires some time to occur. And photons obviously progress over space rather than over time.
·         The field form mass of a projectile must extend in space and progress in time.
·         The waveform kinetic energy of a projectile must extend in time and progress in space.
                As a union of wave and field, matter in motion is tugged in opposite directions for both progression and extension. When velocity is low then matter and its field form dominate the union and their version of extension (namely in space) also dominates. This means that a rod moving well below the velocity of light has essentially the same length as it does at rest.  But when energy and its waveform dominate the union (any matter at very high speed) the normal space extension of matter-as-field is moderated by the zero space extension of energy-as-wave. The result is space contraction. A rod whose identity is mostly waveform (i.e., kinetic energy dominating rest mass) will necessarily have a diminished space extension (length). This is because the largely waveform rod now has space more as its progression dimension and less as its extension dimension. Similar arguments apply for time dilation but involving progression rather than extension.[2]

                This view requires that one take the equality of mass and energy seriously. Kinetic energy is not passive in projectile motion although its dimensional warpage effects (space contraction, time dilation) are only evident when projectile kinetic energy dominates projectile rest mass (very high velocity). A projectile has a single, blended form: part wave, part field. This form determines how a projectile presents itself in space and time to an observer: mostly waveform yields dimensional warpage; mostly field form yields no warpage.

                The essay offers a brief comparison of this explanation of space contraction and time dilation with other explanations (Lorentz, Minkowski). There is also some appreciation given to the Brown and Pooley viewpoint and countervailing arguments of Janssen and Dorato are considered.

                Minkowski viewpoint:  Observers at different relative velocities can measure the same rod and arrive at different length measurements. Minkowski concluded that everyone was indeed measuring the same rod, hence our 3-dimensional, Euclidean space was at fault; space by itself lacked reality. But the correct conclusion is that different observers at different velocities are measuring different rods, i.e., different unions of rest mass and kinetic energy, of field form and waveform.

Regarding projectiles as mixed (mass/energy) entities with a blended (wave/field) form that explains dimensional warpage has several advantages. First, it does not depend upon any inferred entity functioning either as a container (spacetime) or as an agent of change (the aether). Space and time as intangibles do not warp; material rods and clocks possessing very high kinetic energy for some observer warp for that observer. Second, it is a constructive theory and not a principle theory; that is, explanation begins at a foundational level. And finally, as a constructive theory it bypasses the messy issues of molecular binding (or fictitious forces) when considering a rod’s space contraction and the internal strain that contraction implies.
To each unique observer a unique rod (and clock) is given.
Tradition:          Newtonian physics – and thermodynamics – regarded kinetic energy as a mere quantity whose addition to, or subtraction from, mass had no effect on that mass. Of course E = mc2 in 1905 required physicists to concede that kinetic energy did increase effective mass. Later it became apparent that high-energy electrons had the waveform and they too exhibited space contraction.[3] But this was viewed (without justification) as a result peculiar to sub-atomic particles with no relevance to high energy (high velocity) meter sticks or space ships (since the latter can’t diffract they can’t have the waveform, can they?). Kinetic energy had NOTHING to do with space contraction. The conservation of energy “proved” that kinetic energy was merely a quantity. The fact that space contraction coincided with enormous kinetic energy (relative to rest mass) was mere coincidence. Other explanations, however strained or dubious, had to be found for space contraction at high velocities…

[1] Wave character is often associated with diffraction but in fact is independent of it. An electron and a meter stick at the same velocity have equivalent wave character (kinetic energy in proportion to their mass). But only the electron can diffract due to its “large” wavelength.
[2] Consider a clock at very high velocity relative to an inertial observer. The rapid time progression of the clock as field form mass is greatly reduced by the zero time progression of the clock as waveform kinetic energy.
[3] Grouped electrons in a cyclotron “pack” closer together than expected; the group has space-contracted.

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